
100 - 499人 | 私营企业

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佛山古德豪门业是一家专业设计生产壁柜门、隔断门、平开门、衣柜门等系列产品的厂家。秉承精诚所至,金石为开,品质至尊,德行天下的服务理念,不断开拓创新,引领市场潮流。在广大新老客户的大力支持和帮助下,公司已经发展成为一个融研发、设计、开模、材料、组装等一系列配套服务的专业化公司。我们专注致力于高品质、深层次、精细表面家居铝材产品生产与销售,精心打造奢华成品衣柜门、隔断门、系列移门产品,公司产品已销往全国各大中型城市。 您的满意将是我们古德豪人永远的追求。 Foshan Goode Noble is a professional design and production industry,closet doors,partition doors,swing gate,wardrobe doors and other products manufacturers.Adbering to the sincere,bronze and stone ,quality supreme,the moral worldservice concept,and constantly blaze new trailsmto lead the market trend.In the new and old customers the support and asslstance,the company has developed into a financial rescarch and development,design,tooling,and pull materials,asscmbling a package of services of specialized companics.Focus on our commitment to high quality, deep, fine surface household production and sale of aluminum products, carefully crafted luxury finished wardrobe doors, partition doors, series sliding door products, our products have been sold to large and medium-sized cities across the country.Your satisfaction is our ctremal pursuit of buman Goode high.


  • 规模100 - 499人
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